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Canine Services

Canine massage therapy can be a huge benefit to pets or working dogs of any age, any size and any temperament

Dalmatian dog exploring fields and trees

Sessions may include

Relaxing and sports therapy massage, red and blue light therapy, reiki, mobility mobilisation, hyoid corrective manipulation, (from October) canine strengthening and rehabilitation, gait analysis and along with a veterinary report if required. 

Conditions that benefit from massage

  • Osteoarthritis and general stiffness

  • Injuries such as cruciate ligament strain or operation, hip dysplasia, spondylosis, luxating patella

  • Soft tissue strain or damage

  • Trigger points and spasms, where a muscle has been over worked, repetitive strain, laying stationary on one side for too long.

  • Decrease recovery time post-surgery or trauma.

  • Improve removal of toxins from the body and organs

  • Reduce stress and anxiety, improving overall well-being.

  • Reduction in compensatory muscle tension

  • Improve skin condition and can aid breathing conditions where the rib cage is over worked.

  • Improved performance for working and competition canines.

How our sessions work


First session – 1 to 1.5 hours
The therapy session would be carried out in a quiet, calm and minimum distraction environment as


The first session will require a full gait analysis, this involves a short walk and trot up, with a few sit to stand manuvers, I will video the canine to watch back at leisure. Paperwork, general observation and time for us all to get acquainted. The session will be gentle to allow your canine to become accustomed to the sensation of being massaged, it isn’t the same as petting. This allows us to start developing trust and for me to read their body language to gauge tolerances and an understanding of their requirements.

Subsequent sessions – up to 1 hour
A shorter gait analysis, owners update and reassessment of canine prior to the massage treatment. 

For 24 hours post massage = calm and quiet environment, with lead walking. This allows their body to process the changes made to the soft tissues.

Your canine may require veterinary consent if their condition has been seen by the vet. Consent is not required if the canine is receiving maintenance therapy. Should your canine be lame or showing signs of ill health we will not continue with the session without prior veterinary approval.

Please note all session times are a rough guide, sessions maybe shorter or longer depending on the canine’s requirements and tolerances on the day. It may also take several sessions before results are seen as it takes time for trust to build (allowing for a deeper massage) and for muscles to truly relax. You may be given homework of massage techniques, stretches and exercise regimes to benefit your canines wellbeing and aid a quicker, prolonged recovery.


How frequently should your canine have treatment?


The frequency of your treatment depends on your animal's requirements and the reason for treatment. For most animals who are just starting to have massage and for the best, most positive, prolonged improvement, we usually recommend a tapered course that begins with weekly treatment for one month, then every two weeks for two months, then monthly and lastly every two months. This is a rough guide for optimum outcome and is flexible.

Short dog in woods carrying a large stick

Prices and packages

Initial consultation session
Duration: 1-1.5 hours


Following sessions
Duration: up to 1 hour


Package of 4 sessions
4 x 1 hour sessions


Package of 6 sessions
6 x 1 hour sessions


Book a consultation

Thanks, we'll be in touch!

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